Wednesday, January 9, 2008


well lol

i was on my way home from a weekend in kamloops and i was driving my mom's car. well generally I would say my mom's car was more reliable than my truck. well apprently not lol. Driving along and all of a sudden there is steam coming out of the hood. great. I am not even halfway home by this point. This being the first time ever breaking down I did what any normal 18 year old that is not mechanically inclined would do. called my dad! After that my mom came and picked me up and she called BCAA. we got it towed to clinton. and the good news??? I was ONLY half an hour late for work at the cordial! lol so we got a call a day or so later and they said that it was simple and easily fixed. so after school I walked down and picked it up. started driving home and i thought to myself it's a little chilly. so The heat going full blast I head home. 5 minites later I put my hand to the vent and feel only cold air blowing. huh , wierd..... I keep driving none the less and hope it will be warmer at home in the house. just as I come in sight of the painted hills right before 16 mile I see a familar sight. more steam!!! uuuggg not again i think to my self. I pull over and sure enough my tempature gage reads HOT! great. I check my purse for my cell phone to yes , call mommy and Daddy.and SURPRISE SURPRISE no cell phone. ok so I will walk to a house. look around....can't see any houses quite yet. ok so i will wait for some nice , good citizen to stop and assist me right?? well you would not believe how many people simply blew by me. I could just see what was going through thier head. "SUCKS TO BE YOU!" oh well...THANKS A LOT PEOPLE! finally someone stops and asks if i am ok. I thank them and borrow a cell phone to call home. my sister and the Tow truck soon arrive. shivering but none the worse for wear, I explain what happened. (again.) so we learn later on that the head gasget has gone and that it is not so simple to repair. so in otherwords my mom is out of a car for awhile. and next time SHE will be picking it up from the shop!!! lol