Wednesday, September 5, 2007

In the mind of a confused girl post 1!!

wow well interesting summer!! full of dreadful jobs, new friends, new flames , old flames, bad memories, good memories and big mistakes. i won't explain in full but you wouldn't wanna hear anyways lol I worked all summer at a place called the bears claw lodge in cache creek. i made a lot of new friends (Nicki , krystal , lyndsey, brian , colby , shane , holly , bill , stewart.) lol they are the greatest. we had good laughs and boy did we work hard!!! and also i made a lot of new friends in cache this summer (kaligh, shelia , kels , and other calley haha) which was great for me. it was good for me to get out and get to know other people and other types of people than the ones in the clinton. i also spent a lot of time with old friends in clinton to though. like Nicole , Trav and Todd! good times guys good times. haha And well i won't even get into the guy issues haha lets jus say i am on a break from any type of guys at the moment. (srry darren hunni!! one day darlin) I really jus think i need to avoid the love thing and enjoy my grad year!! Yes i am GRADUATING!! which means the dress. the diploma, the escort and the whole kit and kaboodle haha lol I have sort of decided on an escort (if he says yes lol) , but i have no idea about what type of dress i will get but we will cross that bridge when we get to it. well in a nut shell that is my life right now. sorry to bore you all but lol my deepest darkest secrets would jus shock you all to much lol.

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