Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Field trip to VANCOUVER!!!!

lol we went on a field trip to vancouver and it was awesome!!! we went to the UBC botanical gardens and also watched the play "ROMEO AND JULIET" at bard on the beach!! lol romeo totally made it worth it!! (He might possibly have shown his Bum hahaha) and after that we got to go to the metro town mall and SHOP!! WOOT! WOOT!! lol then we went for dinner at TGI fridays and most everyone had chicken fingers and fries hahah lol and then we got to go to a laser show with the music from the band RUSH and it was pretty cool except we were all so tired most of us fell asleep!!! FINALLY after the laser show we went to the jerico beach hostel and went to sleep. (after a huge giggle fest in the girls dorm haha) the next morning we had breakfast and then went for a walk on the beach and then to the Vancouver aquarium!! it was so cool seeing the dolpins and beluga whales and the OTTERS!! haha then we go to go swimming and it was really fun. we went to a wave pool that had a waterslide and actual waves lol then we went home on the long trip home.!!! it was an awesome weekend!

1 comment:

MsM said...

Teri, it looks like you had a great time in Vancouver. No matter whether it's sunny or raining, a walk along the beach in Vancouver is a great thing.

A long, long time ago, I worked on a fish boat. Every once in a while we would see dophins. Once we had a blue whale swim beside our boat. Nothing is better than that.