Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Chapter :)

well a new chapter has begun in my life. Ive moved (with a LOT of help) got a job and the next step is school :) I don't know what is in store for me , but, its a step in the right direction I know has to be...otherwise i am at a loss at what to do. I need some direction in my life or i lose sight of my goals and then i just start living everyone elses life...because its easier to follow than it is to lead. there is a leader in my somewhere i just have to find her and i will one day. i just hope that day is soon. I am looking forward to my days now because I know each day could hold something new. opportunity surronds me. I am a coward if i don't take some risks and see where this path leads me. its all there in front of me now. I only have myself to blame if i can't at least try. As scary as all this is...I know in my heart it will be good for me. and I have decided to follow my heart on this one. I have the support from everywhere and everyone...and the its all on me....well no pressure...everyone has defining moments and I guess this is one of mine. ive come a long way from that little girl hugging her big cousin on the couch in her pochahontas nightgown...and its time to act it.

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