Monday, November 5, 2007


grr is all i can say at the moment.......i am so
confused and have no idea what to do:( i really am lost.....everyone i thought i knew and everyone i thought i could trust....and the one person that i thought could be there for me.......the one person i thought would always be there...turns out to be a complete and total sham....My other friends know exactly who i am talking about! because they thought they could trust him to! but oh well.....who can you trust if you can't trust your friends?? i mean.......there comes a point where you have to say enough is enough and just move on right? i mean there comes a point where you have to remove that toxic person from your life or it will just eat you up inside....which is exactly what it is doing to me......Katy and Nicole and Trav lol you guys know what i mean. it's just a good thing i have you guys :) i know i can trust you guys :)

1 comment:

Ms. Wadlegger said...

Hey Teri,

I can feel your frustration and angst - your words are seeping with it. I appreciate your willingness to pore your heart out on the web. I hope that you can find some solace in putting your feelings down in words.

Again, I have to remind you to alter your choice of words before I can give you credit for your post.