Tuesday, November 20, 2007

For a good friend.......your not a thorn inside of me....

This is a really good song that means a lot to a good friend of mine. i never really understood until I read the lyrics. but hey. there is a song for everyone. this isn't mine but one day when i get up the nerve i will tell you all my song.

Crossfade-- Dead skin.

So I'm the king of all these things of this mess I have made
Such a waste what a shame my whole life is a fake
Well I'm a bore and I'm sure I'm a thorn inside of you that has torn at you for years
The alcohol the demerol these things never could replace
What a minute with you could do to put a smile on my face
I'm a bore and I'm sure I'm a thorn inside of you that has torn at me for years
I can't get out of this dead skin I can't shed my skin
I'm not sure where to begin why can't I begin again
I can't get under my dead skin I can't shed my skin
Can I sllep 'til then

Phenobarbitol and alocohol these two surely will do
To knock me out keep me down at least a day or two
When I'm awake I can taste how bitter I've become
And it's more than I can bear somedays I pray someone will blow me away
Make it quick but let it burn so I can feel my life fade
Well I'm a waste and I can taste how bitter I've become
And it's more than I can bear
I can't shed my skin
I can't shed my skin

if i could only say.....

if i could only say what I really felt i would tell you i love you .....even tho i kno it's wrong. if i could only say what i really meant i would tell you i don't want you to hurt. if i could only cry...you'd kno......if i could only make it known what you all mean to me.....if you could only know .....I don't blame you i blame me......I struggle day to day with the feelings i know you don't have. but please know.....no matter how it hurts ....i will never turn my back......i will never be the person that turns there back.......I love you and that will never change. i will only love you in a diffrent way. in a diffrent time , in a diffrent day , you never know what may have been. but for now.....FRIENDS FOR LIFE......forever and always you'll be there for me and I for you. friendship is enough for me. i would rather be your friend than your nothing. and in the meantime darling......give me time and i will be the friend you want and the friend you need.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

cute Bumper stickers and what they remind me of:)

I love this sticker, because it reminds me that guys and Relationships are not what i will remember about high school. i will remember my friends and what we shared.

I love this sticker because it reminds me that you can't care what everyone thinks all the time. no one is perfect no matter how hard they try.
I love this sticker because it reminds me that you have no control over life and while something may seem bad , later on you may look back and say "that made me a stronger person."

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Cally Ally!!!

lol this one is for cally alley! i have been staying with my cousin cally while her parents are out of town and it is awesome lol she is a great girl. she is in grade 10 and is 15 years old!! i love her to death she is awesome lol she is a very special girl and we have so much fun toghether! love you babe and we have to do this again some time soon lol

Dear you.....an origonol poem of mine.

dear you wants whats best for me,
maybe I know whats best for me

dear you who tells me what to do
don't talk

dear you who watches over me
leave me be

dear you who see's only what you want to see
look deeper
search my eyes and you will see the true me

dear you who depends on me
you shouldn't


dear you who loves me
never leave me

dear you who holds my hand
never let go

Dear you who helps me
thank you

Dear you who needs me,
thank you..............

By Teri Allison
grade 12
Age 18

Monday, November 5, 2007


grr is all i can say at the moment.......i am so
confused and have no idea what to do:( i really am lost.....everyone i thought i knew and everyone i thought i could trust....and the one person that i thought could be there for me.......the one person i thought would always be there...turns out to be a complete and total sham....My other friends know exactly who i am talking about! because they thought they could trust him to! but oh well.....who can you trust if you can't trust your friends?? i mean.......there comes a point where you have to say enough is enough and just move on right? i mean there comes a point where you have to remove that toxic person from your life or it will just eat you up inside....which is exactly what it is doing to me......Katy and Nicole and Trav lol you guys know what i mean. it's just a good thing i have you guys :) i know i can trust you guys :)