Saturday, March 28, 2009

I am ok...I think

I don't really have anything else to say about that right now....I am destroying my life...piece by piece and ...I have no idea how to stop it. unemployed.. broke...failing...and moving back home...hmmm....I'm doing awesome aren't I?

Monday, March 9, 2009

i have come so far...

hello all!

well lol I have not written but today me and my friend were looking through our old blogs and I thought it would be fun to write now. I have come a long way from the confused teenager I used to be. I moved out of clinton and went to college. it did me a lot of good to get out of this town. I think i needed to separate myself for a bit. but I am back in town for awhile but not for long! my friends and I are blowing this popsicle stand and heading out to try it somewhere else! we are going to ren toghether and share expenses. I am excited to see what else is out there. I was scared to start over on my own..which is why this is awesome. I love my friends and moving with them means I have people I can depend on and so do they. I don't know how my family will take it but we will see. they want me to be happy. And I am not happy here. no , I don't know if I will be happy thier either but hey...I have to a least try. If I don't then I will regret it my whole life. I want to be better than this person who is just floating through life doing what everyone expects me to. graduate, go to college, get a boyfriend, get married, have kids...move back to my hometown and raise my kids....WHAT IF I WANT MORE THAN THE NORMAL. I am not saying that I don't wnat those things says that has to be me? who says thats all that I can be? I am in control of my life and I Want to live it while I can. I am happier now that I have been in a long time. things are not perfect but...i read my olds blogs and i do not know who that miserable, depressed person was. I was down and out with no way out. Now I am happy...I have faith that i will not fall in to that miserable trap again. lif is diffrent now and so am I. I still have not found myself compleatly but...I have come so far from that person. I am no doormat now...I am strong, I have confidence.. I am no longer afraid of the unknown. I no longer am listening to the people that care nothing for me. I live for me now. I live for me. And finally there is a me....i am my own person finally. I am still discovering what that person is made of, but finally....I like myself and what I have come to be. anywho! lol I will keep up on my blogging now! as tigger would say ttyl! lol :P